Cataloging: Repairs and Replacements

Purpose: Damaged books can often be repaired in-house. The repair process may entail the covering or removal of call number, title, and/or barcode labels. In these cases (approx. 25%), the Repair Tech will do the new labeling.  In some instances a replacement is required.


  1. If the item still has a barcode, scan the barcode in Millennium Cataloging module, search index = b (barcode).  Skip ahead to Step 3.
  2. If there is no barcode, search for the correct title using the appropriate search indexes (title, author, etc.). Verify that you have found the correct title and edition of the book by checking author, ISBN, number of pages, etc.
  3. If the call number in the item record is LC format, then print a new call number label.  Skip ahead to Step 5.
  4. If the call number in the item record is Dewey format, look for an 050 field in the bib record.  If found, check URSUS for other items using this same call number. If there are no duplicates, copy the 050 call number to the item record and print a new label. If an 050 is not found, or if the 050 number conflicts with another title in URSUS, route the book to Original Cataloging for reclassification.
  5. If necessary, add a new barcode label and scan the barcode to the item record [select Insert, then b (barcode)].
  6. Change Status from r (In Repair) to – (Available) or o (Library Use Only), depending on the item type or location. (Important!)
  7. Place the call number label on the book according to the labeling procedure. If the title of the book is not visible on the book spine and the spine is wide enough, cut and affix the title label to the book spine.  If there is no room on the spine and the title is not visible on the cover, affix the title label to the book cover. Be sure to cut the call number information from the title label before placing it on the book. Clear book tape is available if necessary for securing the labels.
  8. Find the book record in URSUS again and double check the call number on the book against the call number in the item record.  If necessary, make corrections and reprint labels.
  9. Deliver books to Stacks Maintenance with a white with red stop sign check-in flag.

Print Replacements

Replacement copies are added to the appropriate bibliographic record as a new copy (see Adding Items). The item record for the copy being replaced is left untouched, whether its status reads Paid, On Search, etc. This enables the Head of Collections and others to track patterns of theft or abuse more readily.

Online Replacements

In some instances Head of Collections will decide to link to online version in lieu of repair of our print copy. Generally the URL for the online copy should be provided with the decision.  If link is unclear, use to search for online equivalent. In all cases a new record will be imported for the online version. Make sure to check URSUS first to see if an online copy is already present.

If the online version matches the print edition

  1. Import record from OCLC for online version of the item. Adding URLs to print records is not longer the standard
  2. Send print version to cataloging for withdrawal and record deletion

If the online version is a different edition

  1. Deliver to professional librarian for online cataloging as new records will be required
  2. Print edition will be subsequently withdrawn

Examples: i54476367, i54474814

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