6-3 Interface, Step 3: Mainestreet
Purpose: To retrieve invoice file created in Sierra and submit it to Mainestreet for payment.
- Open Mainestreet
- Go to Enterprise Applications >Financials. Click on the NavBar icon in the top right corner of the screen. A menu will appear. Click on Navigator. (Note that you can bookmark each Mainstreet section by clicking on the three dots on the upper right corner of the screen and clicking on “Add to Homepage”).
- Go to University of Maine System > Accounts Payable > Batch Processes > Voucher Load.
- On the “Voucher Load” screen, in the “Run Control ID” box, enter the run control ID that was provided to you by the Financial Systems Coordinator (see Interface preparation). After the initial set up, it should automatically appear on that screen in the future.
- You will be brought to the Inbound “Voucher Process” screen. Make sure the following fields are set as followed:
- Voucher Processing Type: Customer Input
- Inbound files to process: Selected file only
- “Fixed Length” box is checked
- Origin: Lib
- Special Processing: Library Processing
(note: these will be kept as default settings for the next time)
- In the “Attach File” field, click the paperclip icon and retrieve the “library-umumammddyy” from our Sharepoint drive (see Step 7 in 6-2 Interface Step 2: Sierra).
- Once the file is selected and appears in the “Attach file” box, click “Upload”.
- Click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
- Click “Run”.
- A pop-up box will appear (Process Scheduler Request). Check the box next to “AP Inbound File Load” and click “OK”. You will be brought back to the “Inbound Voucher Process” page.
- Click on the “Process Monitor Link”.
- On the next screen look for the following two fields: Run Status and Distribution Status. Click the “Refresh” button (NOT your browser refresh, the yellow refresh button in the box) until “Success” and “Posted” appear in those boxes respectively. This indicates that our file has been submitted successfuly.
- Next, check for any errors that Mainestreet may have found in the file that was just posted. From the screen in step 11, click on APLOAD.
- In the pop-up box, click the link that ends with “UMAP001 Success”
- In the next pop-up box, click “View Log/Trace”
- In the next pop-up box, click the link that begins with “umap001_”
- The last line in final pop-up box will display the number of errors (if any) that were contained in the file:
- If there are NO errors, proceed to step 17.
- If there are errors, proceed to step 17 as well, but you will need to take steps to identify which invoice(s) contain errors when you get to step 30.
- You will need to wait, on average 20-30 minutes, before proceeding to the next step.
- From the Main Menu at the top of the page, choose Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer.
- Click on the Excel link in the UM_KLV_LIBRARY_FRT2 box.
- Enter the day before your current date in the “greater than” box.
- Enter the day after your current date in the “less than” box.
- Click “View Results” . It can take several minutes for your Excel report to appear. If you get a blank sheet with column headings, you will need to wait and try running the report again in a few minutes.
- When report appears, format it so only the following columns appear:
- Acctg Date
- Invoice Date
- Due date
- Voucher
- Sum Amount
- Freight
- Gross Amt
- Vendor Name
- Invoice
- Vendor ID
- Vendor Loc
- Adjust the orientation to “Landscape” and adjust columns so that all appear on one page.
- Save a copy of the report on your desktop. You will need report for Step 6 of 6-4 Interface, Step 4: Reports and Final Paperwork
- Copy and paste that same information onto the existing “Weekly Query Report” spreadsheet for the current fiscal year in the Acquisitions>Interface folder in our Sharepoint drive
- Put your invoices from Serials and Book Acq in the order that they are listed on this report
- If an invoice is NOT listed on this report, it means that it was processed with an error in Sierra (as noted in step 16b). Return the invoice to the person who processed it in Sierra. They will need to identify and fix the error in Sierra and process it again once invoicing resumes (they will need to refer to : 6-5 Locating an invoicing error in Sierra and how to resubmit it)
- For the invoices that ARE listed on the report, check every invoice against the information listed on the query report. Make sure the following match:
- Invoice numbers
- Total amounts
- Vendor names.
- If all information matches, proceed to step 32.
- If the information does not match, you may have to close the voucher (i.e. stop payment) for that particular invoice (See instructions on 6-6 Interface: Closing a voucher in Mainestreet). However, consult with the person who entered the invoice before closing, as not every discrepency necessitates it. For example: an invoice number on the query report may not match the invoice number on the invoice itself. This may not be a problem if an invoice copy is being mailed out with the check. If a payment is electonic, however, an incorrect invoice number could cause the payment not to be applied to our account correctly, therefore closing the voucher may be necessary. If the voucher is closed, the person who invoiced it will need to fix the original error and reprocess it in Sierra (see 6-5 Interface: Locating an invoicing error in Sierra and how to resubmit it)
- Next, make sure that the vendor addresses on the invoices match with the vendor addresses in Mainestreet. Go to Mainestreet> Enterprise Applications>Financials> Suppliers>Supplier Information>Add/update>Supplier.
- Note 1: that this step only applies to vendors that we are mailing a paper check to. You can determine which type of payment it is by looking in the Vendor Loc column on the spreadheet. Any invoices that display an ACH or EPAY as a location are electronic payments, and we do not need to worry if the address on the invoice matches with the address we have in Mainestreet because a paper check isn’t being mailed. )
- Note 2: If the Vendor location is either CHK, or a 10-digit number that begins with “5”, then you will need to look up the vendor address in Mainestreet and compare them with the address on the invoice. (Note: Some of the invoices that have the 10-digit location code may still be ACH or EPAY, but you won’t find that out until you go into that record in Mainestreet)
- In the “Location code” field, put in the 10-digit Vendor ID (NOT Location code) displayed on the query report and click “Search”.
- Click on “Location tab”. If there is a note that the vendor is an ACH or Epay vendor, the vendor address in Mainestreet does not need to match the vendor remit address on the invoice. This is because a physical check will not be mailed.
- If there is not a note about ACH or Epay, click on the “Payables” link on the bottom of the location box.
- Compare the REMIT address field to the remit address on the invoice. They should match. If they do not, consult the person who processed the invoice. They will be the best judge of how to proceed. It may still be ok to send out (just sent out in its own envelope), or the voucher may need to be closed in Mainestreet (i.e. payment stopped). See 6-6 Interface: Closing a voucher in Mainestreet.
- Go to 6-4 Interface Reports and Final Paperwork