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Dr. Helena Chum, National Bioenergy Center, U.S. DOE
Biofuels in the Energy Mix
Slide presentation in PDF
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Transcript in PDFHelena Chum is the Manager of the Applied
Science and Measurement Group as well as the Senior Advisor of the
National Bioenergy Center at the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory. She has been at the laboratory since 1979, leading
research and development Branches, Divisions, and Centers since
Dr. Chum's research areas are in the development of technologies for
the conversion of biomass and a variety of organic wastes into
fuels, including hydrogen, chemicals, electricity, and high value
materials. She participated in the development of the Office of
Science and Technology Policy's National Environmental Technology
Strategy released in 1995. She is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, the International
Academy of Wood Science and the American Council for Chemical
Research. She is a member of the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy Board of Directors.
Dr. Chum is an active member of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
and serves currently as a Councilor of the Society. She presently
serves as member of Advisory Committee of the Hydrogen Technical
Advisory Committee (HTAC) which will report to the US DOE Secretary
of Energy. She served in the Office of Industrial Technologies'
Industry of the Future Program as a NREL representative to the
Laboratory Coordinating Council and chaired this Council in 1997.
Dr. Chum contributed to the development of the "Brasilia Statement
Directives and Action Plan for Solar, Wind and Biomass Renewable
Energy Development in Brazil" (1995). She presently provides
technical assistance to advance the US-Brazil hydrogen energy
bilateral activities, which is associated with the International
Partnerships for the Hydrogen Economy, a Presidential initiative,
sponsored jointly by USDOE and USAID.
BSc. Chemistry (industrial chemistry specialization);
BSc Chemical Education;
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil |