Cataloging: Rare Books

Purpose: To catalog and physically process materials designated as rare for Special Collections with special attention to avoiding any affixed labels.

The Collection Development Librarian or the Head of Special Collections decide whether or not a book is to be considered Rare for our collections. Generally speaking, if a British imprint is earlier than 1800, it is considered to be Rare. An American imprint earlier than 1850 is considered to be Rare.  Other designated materials (e.g., signed or limited editions) as indicated.

Books to be cataloged as Rare are delivered to Cataloging with the blue flag used for material going into Special Collections.


Rare books are cataloged in the same manner as regular, circulating books. The only difference is the use of the pre-stamp CS Rare over the call number. LC format is used for the call number and two call number labels should be printed (one for each side of the acid-free bookmark).  NOTE: If a rare item is part of the Maine collection, the Maine pre-stamp is added as well.  For example:



See Processing Special Collections and Rare Books.

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