Cataloging: Special Collections Maine Maps

Purpose: to give an overview of and procedures unique to the cataloging of Special Collections maps of Maine.  The department holds a sizeable collection of Maine maps that were previously uncataloged.


Guidelines and resources for general map cataloging

Maine-Specific Cataloging

  • Geographic Area Code: 043 xx $a n-us-me
  • Geographic Classification: 052 xx $a [3730-3734, based on LC class G] $b [cutter, if applicable]

Use MARC tag 092, prestamp Maine Map followed by accession number.  For example:


For older, delicate, or rare items, pencil call number in the lower right corner of the map’s face.

For maps that are cataloged in Special Collections rather than Cataloging, leave the cataloged item on the top shelf of the map cabinet or give directly to the Special Collections Library Assistant.  Notify the LA how many items have been added to the catalog, and pass along call number/title labels.  Special Collections staff will transfer the items to archival folders in the map cabinet.

Multiple copies
No copies may circulate.

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