Reserve Reading Room
Fogler Library has three floors, each with a different “noise level.” On the first floor, people can talk normally, and there’s much more ambient noise. The second floor has a mix of quiet and noisier spaces, and the third floor is our quiet floor.
For that reason, the Reserve Reading Room is a great place to go if prefer some background noise while studying. Additionally, you can find our “popular reading” books in this room.
Farther down, you’ll see our Circulation and Reserve Desk. You can borrow books from other libraries through Fogler. When they get here, you’re able to pick them up at this desk. We also loan a wide range of technology equipment (laptops, microphones, cameras, projectors, etc). All of those can be checked out from this desk.
Next, take a left at the Circulation desk and make your way to the north lobby and Oakes Room.